Broww, Huntsman of Dark World
Level 3 DARK/Fiend Effect Monster
1400 ATK / 800 DEF
If this card is discarded to the Graveyard by a card effect: Draw 1 card, plus another card if this card was discarded from your hand to your Graveyard by an opponent's card effect.
Rulings – Yugipedia
Elemental Energy: EEN-EN021 (Rare) - 2005-11-16
Elemental Energy: EEN-EN021 (Ultimate Rare) - 2005-11-16
Dark Revelation Volume 4: DR04-EN081 (Rare) - 2007-11-14
Gates of the Underworld Structure Deck: SDGU-EN009 (Common) - 2011-10-13
Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega Pack: LCJW-EN243 (Secret Rare) - 2013-10-11
Structure Deck: Dark World: SR13-EN011 (Common) - 2022-12-01
0.21 €TCGplayer:
$ 0.13