Flamvell Grunika
Level 4 FIRE/Dragon Effect Monster
1700 ATK / 200 DEF
When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the Level of the destroyed monster x 200.
Rulings – Yugipedia
Duel Terminal 2: DT02-EN021 (Duel Terminal Normal Parallel Rare) - 2010-05-25
Duel Terminal 2: DT02-EN021 (Duel Terminal Rare Parallel Rare) - 2010-05-25
Hidden Arsenal 2: HA02-EN015 (Super Rare) - 2010-07-15
Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1: HAC1-EN067 (Common) - 2022-02-24
Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1: HAC1-EN067 (Duel Terminal Normal Parallel Rare) - 2022-02-24
0.11 €TCGplayer:
$ 0.09