Level 2 EARTH/Beast Flip Effect Monster
450 ATK / 500 DEF
FLIP: Select 1 monster on the field and return it to its owner's hand.
Rulings – Yugipedia
Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon: LOB-110 (Rare) - 2002-03-08
Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon: LOB-EN110 (Rare) - 2002-03-08
Starter Deck: Kaiba: SDK-046 (Common) - 2002-03-29
Magic Ruler: MRL-E110 (Common) - 2002-09-16
Starter Deck: Pegasus: SDP-010 (Common) - 2003-03-30
Starter Deck: Kaiba Evolution: SKE-019 (Common) - 2004-03-01
Dark Beginning 1: DB1-EN132 (Common) - 2004-10-12
Retro Pack: RP01-EN015 (Common) - 2008-07-08
Dark Legends: DLG1-EN016 (Common) - 2008-11-21
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$ 0.08