Elemental HERO Nova Master
Level 8 FIRE/Warrior Fusion Monster
2600 ATK / 2100 DEF
1 "Elemental HERO" monster + 1 FIRE monster
Must be Fusion Summoned. If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: Draw 1 card.
Rulings – Yugipedia
Generation Force: GENF-EN093 (Ultimate Rare) - 2011-08-16
Generation Force: GENF-EN093 (Ultra Rare) - 2011-08-16
Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge: BLLR-EN056 (Ultra Rare) - 2017-07-06
Speed Duel GX: Midterm Paradox: SGX2-ENA25 (Common) - 2022-10-06
Speed Duel Tournament Pack 6: STP6-EN011 (Super Rare) - 2023-09-06
Battles of Legend: Chapter 1: BLC1-EN068 (Common) - 2024-02-22
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